Advanced company research. For everyone.

Discover company relationships. Search by relationships, advanced attributes and financial data. Hundreds of millions of data points open and free for everyone.

Advanced querying engine

The most advanced publicly available querying engine for company information, going far beyond what Companies House provides.

Graph searches

Find complex relationships between companies and persons. All companies owned by a person, and all companies owned by those companies and their officers, but only if they share an address? Sure!

Reverse search

Reverse search on much more information than Companies House supports directly. Find companies by their PSCs, data from their financial statements, address, and much more.

Combined searches

Combine multiple search modes. All companies with less than 10 employees but a turnover of more than 10 million, and all companies under common ownership with those? No Problem!

Comprehensive data

Guaranteed Accuracy
All information in our database is provided or verified by authoritative sources.
Up-to-date Data
Basic company data updated in real time and most other data updated daily. Our data will never be stale.
Companies & Persons
Full coverage of companies, officers and PSCs on the UK public record.
Financial Information
Detailed searchable data about the balance sheet, profit and loss statements and employee counts of most UK companies, and all charges on property owned by UK companies.

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